Minor Variation is Wake Forest University's premier all-female Christian a cappella ensemble. We perform at various on-campus events as well as at local churches and community gatherings. Every other year we have the opportunity to record a studio album. We are currently anticipating the release of our latest studio album, “In Every Season” that will be available on all major streaming platforms at midnight on April 29!

Our music-based ministry started in 1998 under the name "Agape" — the Greek word describing love at it's highest caliber — the unconditional love that God has for his children. Before becoming Minor Variation in 2005, the group was also named One Accord.  For over 25 years,  Minor Variation has served as a space for college women to come together as a sisterhood dedicated to growing closer together and closer to Christ.

For any scheduling inquiries please contact our business manager, Morgan Moser, at minorvariationwfu@gmail.com