A note about the meaning of our latest album, In Every Season, from our chaplain, Maddie Stopyra (‘25):

“My role as chaplain, it is my responsibility to lead the group in 30-minute devotionals each week. One of my favorite MV devo traditions is looking closely at the lyrics of our album songs. As we listen to the song from my iPhone speaker, each girl annotates a piece of paper with the lyrics printed on it, making connections and finding personal meaning. When the music ends, the group engages in a discussion where we bring our honest, and sometimes vulnerable, thoughts together. It is out of this process that “In Every Season” became our album title. 

Some logistics: to determine an album title, the group brainstorms themes and ideas that stretch across the 11 songs on our album. Then, we spend a week adding title suggestions to a master Google Sheet. At the end of this process, leadership meets and chooses three to four perspective titles that we feel capture the “why” behind the album. Finally, the girls vote! The chosen title is later revealed in a cheesy, yet super sweet, video that we get oh-so excited about. 

During our “lyric devos” in the fall semester, I noticed that the Old Testament book Ecclesiastes kept coming up in discussion. This book is infamous for the phrase “all is vanity” as well as passages describing the finality of life on earth and the inevitability of death. I remember thinking to myself “How could such a seemingly negative book be so present in our album?” But then I began to read Ecclesiastes and think harder about my conversations with the girls. There is a theme present in the book that is encapsulated in a single verse: Ecclesiastes 3:1 — which happened to become our album verse. The author writes that there is a “season for every activity under the sun.” As college students trying to find our place in the world, I think we find comfort in the security that this verse brings. We chose songs for our album that convey feelings of uncertainty and hope, fear and comfort. “In Every Season,” came from an understanding that we can find comfort in the seasons that God has planned for us. We are confident that in every season of our lives, God is present, constant, and safe.”

Past Albums

Available on Spotify and Apple Music, along with our complete discography!